
Where It All Began

Fifteen years ago, I began to sketch the images that flooded my mind. My notebooks were a mess with doodles. My sketchbooks full of poorly drawn people. But there were two drawings that stuck out to me. I was thirteen years old, laying on the floor of my bedroom, listening Evanescence on repeat.  My feet... Continue Reading →

The Window to Another World

Within an writer's mind is a staircase.  Along this staircase is a journey with windows.  A journey to know yourself, but also windows to another world.  Different people, different laws, different lore.  Sometimes it can be exciting, while other times, terrifying. But that's the whole point.  To see something outside of our natural realm, and learn from it.

Dark Staircases

Have you ever had a moment where you're at work, just typing away, then all of a sudden BOOM!  A plot idea hits you, which leads down this dark, cold staircase.  You can't know what's at the bottom, but you must keep moving forward.  Once you've begun your journey, the only way to stop is... Continue Reading →

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