
To Dream is to Die – The Watcher

Damon Kalon: Born: August 9, 1989 Died: N/A The Watcher Unique Rare Gifted with the Sight Yet still Cursed Only seeing Spirit Not seeing Others Alone Searching Consumed by the Red Helping the Dead Destinies Torn Gates that Mourn A Watcher that Ignores Ignores the Call The Call of the Blood Gryffindor Mysterious Motives Unknown... Continue Reading →

The Fates

Fate can be a cruel thing Tying strings to mold the world Connecting past with future Souls with spirits Demons with fairies The Living with the Dead Neither good nor evil Be weary of the Fates For you can never know Who Fate will tie you too The Child Dreamer: A Dead Dreamer Prequel  ... Continue Reading →

The Other Child

The other child dreamer The little dark one The spark to jealousy The spark to the past A history unknown The truth fabricated A child with no choice A child who traps souls Never speaking the truth The truth behind the silence The truth behind greed The truth behind the seal The Child Dreamer: A... Continue Reading →

The Unknown Spirits

  The Unknown Spirits Arriving at the time of most need Taking the souls from the Land Creating peace for the dead Damned or not Giving the choice A choice that cursed Cursing the innocent Cursing the damned A curse created from a kindness A kindness a child distorted A kindness that created destruction Destruction... Continue Reading →

Spirits of War

In the Dead Dreamer Series, there are three civil war spirits that appear to my character from time to time. As of right now, their existence is a mystery. However, I've gotten about halfway through Awakening, and it's so exciting to finally reveal their true natures!

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